
The program for this year's Rootsville is ready!

Americana star Amythyst Khia tops this year's Rootsville poster!

With the booking of the new American Americana star Amythyst Kia and key Norwegian Americana and Country artists such as Claudia Scott, Darling West and Johanna Demker, Notodden Blues Festival is increasing its focus on Americana. When the festival kicks off with the highly relevant local artists such as the current record-breaking Aina Wassvik and Fredrick Kaasa and the popular The Boots Band and Spinning Wheels Band, the Rootville stage becomes like a festival in itself in the middle of the blues festival. 

“We are now getting to where we have wanted to be ever since we first established Rootsville in 2019. Americana is a genre that is a close relative of the blues, and it has a large audience in our area. We would like that audience group to have an offer and feel at home at our festival. We have succeeded in that. The audience has flocked to it, and the average age of the audience at Notodden has dropped drastically after the introduction of this stage. This music is close to our main product, and everyone feels that this is a natural form of music to include. It is a complement to the offer that the Norwegian country festivals offer. It is also desirable from our side that the Rootsville stage should be prominent in the national Americana context. It is also nice that the booking this year has such a good focus on and a predominance of female artists," says artistic director, Jostein Forsberg, of Notodden Blues Festival.